FasTracKids Methodology
At FasTracKids, we don’t teach your children what to think, we teach them HOW to think.
We offer a holistic educational program that actively works to fit you and your child’s individualized needs. Our students are active, engaged participants in classes where they energetically develop their own thoughts and minds. This develops a strong base for future learning and stimulates children’s innate curiosity.
Each classroom session is filled with a variety of activities that are fun with a purpose. Every activity provides all students the opportunity to collaborate and contribute in their own way. Class starts with the teacher laying the foundation for the day’s learning through a rich and in-depth conversation with the students. Following the discussion, the FasTrack® Learning Station presents new information to students. Next, the teacher then asks high level questions to gauge and guide the students’ understanding.
Finally students collaborate together on a variety of projects, exercises and activities to further and deepen their knowledge. This unique method, which we refer to as Educational ZigzaggingSM, ensures that students get the repetition that we know is important for learning but in a much more engaging way than traditional drill and kill methods of teaching. Children can not only discuss what they learned in class, but they can apply their new knowledge to other situations, providing a long lasting advantage.
Progress reports, a FasTracKids Parents website and videos help parents experience their child’s education first hand!
Parents actively play an influential role in their child’s education. The National Educational Association’s spotlight on parent involvement in education confirms that the earlier a parent is involved with their child’s education, the more long-term success the child demonstrates. At FasTracKids, we don’t just replica rolex milgauss enroll children, we enroll families. Progress reports and parent-teacher conferences keep you informed of your child’s progress. While videotapes of your child’s presentation during class time explaining what they learned, allows you to experience their learning firsthand. Finally our Parents Website help us to partner with you to continue the learning at home.
FasTracKids Methodology FasTracKids helps prepare your student for success in school and life. Throughout each class session, children are given the opportunity to build the confidence to think on their own and in their own way to creatively solve problems and communicate effectively. This strong foundation will follow them throughout their lives giving them the tools necessary to greatly increase their success.