// MSIE 4 + function launch(newURL, newName, newFeatures, orgName) { var remote = open(newURL, newName, newFeatures); if (remote.opener == null) remote.opener = window; remote.opener.name = orgName; return remote; } function launchRemote() { myRemote = launch("flash.html", "langdon", "channelmode=1,dependent=0,directories=0,fullscreen=1,location=0,menubar=1,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=1,toolbar=0", "myWindow"); } // Netscape 4 + function essential() { essentialPop(); }; function essentialPop() { var menuVar = 'no'; var popX = 0; var popY = 0; if ( parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.substring(0,navigator.appVersion.indexOf(' '))) >= 4 ) { var popWidth = screen.width; var popHeight = screen.height; if ( navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1 ) { popHeight = screen.height - 20; menuVar = 'yes'; } if ( navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.substring(0,navigator.appVersion.indexOf(' '))) >= 4) { popHeight = screen.height - 50;popWidth = screen.width - 10; } }; var theParameters = 'LEFT=' + popX + ',TOP=' + popY + ',screenX=' + popX + ',screenY=' + popY + ',' + 'OUTERWIDTH=' + popWidth + ',OUTERHEIGHT=' + popHeight + ',WIDTH=' + popWidth + ',HEIGHT=' + popHeight + ',TOOLBAR=no,LOCATION=no,DIRECTORIES=no,STATUS=yes,MENUBAR=' + menuVar + ',SCROLLBARS=no,RESIZABLE=no'; hellPop = window.open("flash.html","langdon",theParameters); }; // browser re-direct version = navigator.appVersion name = navigator.appName var nn2, nn3, nn4, ie3, ie4 //4.x Browsers if (version.charAt(0) == "4") { if (name == "Netscape") { nn4 = true }else if (name == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { ie4 = true } } if ((version.charAt(0) == "3") || (version.charAt(0) == "2")) { if (name == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { ie3 = true }else if (version.charAt(0) == "2") { nn2 = true } else { nn3 = true } } function D3T3CTI0N() { if (nn2) { // Netscape 2 browser window.location ="index.html"; } if (nn3) { // Netscape 3 browser window.location ="index.html"; } if (nn4) { // Netscape 4 browser essential() } if (ie3) { // Explorer 3 browser window.location ="index.html"; } if (ie4) { // Explorer 4 browser launchRemote() } } D3T3CTI0N() //-->

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